Ways In Which It Can Be Established That a Person Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
For every disease and every disorder, it is necessary to establish the right diagnosis so that they can be treated properly. For mental disorders, it is necessary to determine appropriate methods that will make it easier to determine which disorder is in question. Thus, there are several types of Measurement Of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is usually accompanied by symptoms of depression and anxiety. Therefore, different types of measurements are performed to determine the extent to which these disorders are developed. One of the ways of measurement is the global assessment of functioning. This scale is administered by a clinician and is used to assess the professional, psychological and social functioning of adults. There is also a hospital anxiety and depression scale. This scale has 14 items on the basis of which it is determined which are symptoms of depression and which are symptoms of anxiety.
The modified PTSD symptom scale contains 17 items, each of which assesses the stage of the disorder. No item is related to a specific traumatic event. It is mainly used to make a preliminary diagnosis of PTSD. Based on this scale, the severity of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms can be assessed. There are also different types of interviews, where an oral examination of the patient is performed, on the basis of which it is determined at what stage the post-traumatic disorder is.
Post-traumatic stress disorder is difficult to diagnose, which is why there are many methods used to measure post traumatic stress disorder. Based on the results of several methods, it is possible to determine the extent of post-traumatic stress disorder in a person and, based on this, to undertake appropriate treatment and provide the necessary help.